Last month I got a call from one of the editors to photograph a segment for next years issue of Southern Bride Magazine. I wanted to use as much natural light as possible, so most of what you'll see in the magazine was 100% light from the window the studio. The sun was coming in from the west, and I had sheer white fabric diffusers and some silver diffusers.
I did use one 1/2 k hot spot for some fill, but only when the clouds covered up the sun. This article is yet to be written, so I can't elaborate on the details, however,
the photos will feature wedding veils and head pieces.
I used a Canon 5D with a 24-105 IS f4 lense, and working in available light and low light, the camera performed incredibly well. I wanted a soft look, and lots of detail, I'll go back in and do some touchup and may add some softness around the edges. This photo is right out of the camera. Before it goes to print it will undergo a bit of photoshop retouching.
Keep an eye out for this issue, it's sure to be a favorite for brides in 2008. I shot about 300 photos for this segment, we will use about 6 most likely.
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