Here's an update from the special Capture Memphis book which was released at a special book release event last week. The book is now published and available for sale at Davis Kidd Booksellers and other local Memphis book stores. We are very excited about this breaking news!
This years "Editor's Choice Award" was given to Michael Allen Photography for the collection of photography featuring Special Events in Memphis! We are so excited to have one this prestigious award. This is a tremendous honor to be selected as the best of over 10,000 photographs submitted in the competition. We are also very excited to have many of our photographs published in this great new book showing off our great city! The book is now available at most major bookstores in the Memphis region. Be sure to visit www.capturememphis.com and order a copy. Thank you Memphis for this great honor! A few select Memphis Photographers won similar awards for their photographs, including Mark Allen, Michael's brother who is an avid photographer in the city. Several other Memphis photographers are featured in the book for their top voted photography as well. Capture Memphis is an incredible book that depicts the absolute best photography in Memphis! Shown above is one of the award winning photographs that appear in the book from the Hope Summer Concert Series. Follow the images below and visit the Capture Memphis website.